Building A New Brand in a New Country
To create a premier web portal for classifieds and lifestyle in Myanmar, where people will become part of an online community. They can find great variety, best quality, and low prices for products and services. For example, items, motors, services, real estate, jobs and events. Also, it will be a forum for conversations and will have news from Myanmar. All those services will be offered in a web portal without any fees or commission.
Myanmar had numerous directories and classifieds portals of a single category, but didn’t have a complete web portal for classifieds and lifestyle and was not used to this concept of searching and buying. A country with 55 million population and low education level, run by a government regime, with lots of restrictions and control. 1/3 of the total population were internet users and 50% Facebook users. Most businesses were situated in Yangon and Mandalay.
Insight: People in Myanmar like animals. Through this, we acted upon the BUNNY!! And then, we created the logo and the concept for the teaser campaign and the revelation.
A bunny... who has the solution for everything you are searching for.
Choosing the right bunny was an interactive process. We selected a number of participants and we did a focus group where they had to select between a variety of bunnies.
The Teaser Campaign ran for four weeks on Facebook, Instagram and Google. Two posts per week on Facebook and Instagram with a clue of who can be the bunny.
A landing page with a countdown carrot!
See the implementation of the concept below.
The Parachute
Revelation of the bunny with country’s popular attraction.