ΜetLife Sales and Marketing Team trained on Social Media Best Practices
ImarComms in association with the Cyprus Institute of Marketing organized the training of over a 100 MetLife Insurance Agents at Columbia Beach Hotel in Limassol last December on the Latest Social Media Practices and Techniques that can effectively bring in more sales.
All took place in a well organized environment with a motivated insurance agents team who was hungry for ‘high tech’ knowledge and expertise to ‘insure’ their future sales in a very competitive and economically depressed market.
ImarComms Managing Director, Mr Pericles Ellinas, who was in charge of the Seminar focused on the very needs and potentials of the insurance industry and shared his best practices and experiences in the social media arena. Local examples, international scenery, practical implications and hand-on examples were a few of the Seminar’s highlights that kept the insurance agents interested and thrilled for many hours.
Antonis Karpasitis, General Manager of Metlife in Cyprus commented ‘‘It was an excellent seminar on the use of social media in sales and marketing. Mr. Pericles Ellinas presented some very useful and practical ideas in a candid manner, which our associates are implementing in their daily sales and marketing activities.’’
The Seminar ended in a hospital manner courtesy of MetLife Insurance that hosted the organizers and the attendees to a luscious Hotel Dinner where all participants had the chance to discuss the prospects of the New Media Scenery and its promising practice.