I Report Main Findings: 3rd Quarter 2013
Online Purchases become Steady
Increase in Travel, Airline Tickets, Telephones and Cosmetics
Cyprus Airways is up
Tablet usage is rising
The results of the third quarter of 2013 of the subscription tool for measuring and analyzing online shopping in Cyprus - the I Report – were announced today by Evresis Research and Interactive Marketing Services Company, ImarComms.
The I Report tracked the online behavior of the Cypriot consumer for the third quarter of 2013 with July recording the highest buying traffic with 52.3 % and a decrease of 12.8 % from the same quarter of 2012. The other months followed a similar course, with August recording 48.3 % and September 43.2%.
Online purchases recorded a slight increase of 0.3%, from the last quarter, reaching 32.9 %. Compared to the third quarter of 2012 there was an increase of 0.4 %.
The I Report recorded that 8.2 % of all online purchases in the third quarter of 2013 were made from Tablets, 17% were made from mobile phones and 88.9 % from Personal Computers.
"The results of the third quarter of 2013 show a stabilization of online purchases at normal levels for this period with a slight increase and a continuous upward trend.” said Nicholas Nicholaou, Director of Evresis.
Regarding the categories and types of products purchased online, the I Report recorded:
As first the “Clothing Category” with 43.5 % and an increase of 1.4 %, with sportswear to grow at 58.2 % and work clothes reduced to 59.8 %
As Second Category “Travels” with 22.7 % and 2.9 % increase
As Third the Category “Flight Tickets” with 21.6 % and a 5.3 % increase
As Fourth the Category “Mobile Phone Devices” with 18.5 % and an increase of 3.4 %
Interestingly enough, the Category “Cosmetics” reached 16.2 %.
For the websites and online shops from where the purchases were made, the I Report recorded Ebay remaining constantly first with 56 % recording a decrease of 2.2%. As second followed Amazon with 27.8 % and an increase of 1.4 % and as third Asos with 15.9 % and 3.6 % decrease.
From the Cypriot eshops, Cyprus Airways rose to 9.7 % and eshop to 4.3%. Also from other online shops, the I Report recorded among the Top Ten amongst others - Ryan Air with 8.5 %, feelunique with 8.2 %, Aegean with 5.4 % and Play.com with 4.3 %.
"The third quarter of 2013 showed no major changes in market indices and online behaviors, stabilizing existing trends, which will form the basis for the expected upward purchasing traffic for Christmas that will determine the overall response of consumers through the Internet.” said Pericles Ellinas, CEO of ImarComms.