Pericles Ellinas showcases e-commerce growth at the 5th e-commerce conference
Pericles Ellinas presented the past and future developments of e-commerce activity in Cyprus at the 5th e-commerce conference that took place in Nicosia last March. In his presentation titled ‘The e-commerce story: where myth becomes reality’, Pericles analyzed the trends and figures of e-commerce in Cyprus making relevant projections of the future of online purchases in the next 5 years.
He stressed the need to have an online shop regardless of local competition since the actual competition on sales of goods and services comes from the worldwide arena and not nationwide only. It was interesting to see some myths of the online commerce being shambled as online buyers have different consumer behavior when buying online compared to offline, with spending habits and spending amounts changing completely. The facts that the latest I-Report findings revealed, that showed Men outspending Women online, and 50% of Amazon buyers buying clothes, were some of the realities that aroused interest and shifted audience perceptions. Participants also had the chance to participate in a Myth and Reality Game to test their knowledge!
The 5th e-commerce conference was organized by IMH and took place at Hilton Park, Nicosia on March 14, 2013.
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