ImarComms unlocks the Code-Red Project for the EU
ImarComms, a leader in digital communications, supported the launching and branding of the new exciting Code-Red Project (http://codered-project.eu/) developed on behalf of the Code RED consortium and the European Commission. In the long run, the project aims to decrease unemployment levels in the EU by providing technical training on digital game design and development and enabling job seekers that did not get a chance to specialize through school or other institutions to acquire game developing skills that are highly marketable and demanded in the European Business Environment.
The Code-Red Project, through a series of digital (educational) games’ design workshops, will enable participants from all over Europe to take part in the development of two interactive PC Game Suits and two interactive mobile Game Suits that will assist them in acquiring basic game design skills increasing their employability and digital literacy.
’The debut of the project will be assisting people that have been deprived from education for social, economical, and other reasons to ‘reprogram’ their lives by re-engaging in vocational education, acquiring new skills and restarting their game of life with powerful tools for high achievement scores’ stated CEO of ImarComms Pericles Ellinas.
The Code-Red Project has been developed in response to the high levels of early school leaving, drop-out and exclusion from education, in Europe,that often lead to unemployment, poverty and social deprivation. The project aims at working with these groups of students who are particularly at risk of exclusion from education or drop out. Therefore, the main aim of the project is to take actions towards addressing the high proportion of drop-out from i-VET (vocational and educational training).
The project has been co-funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the EU and is being developed by Nottingham Trent University,Greenhat Interactive, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Provincia Di Parma and EuroCy Innovations.
The Code-Red Project’s Digital Communication Strategy has been developed and implemented by ImarComms through Social Media Platforms and Interactive Media Channels across Europe targeting job seekers and interested interactive game developing fans.
More information can be found on the Code-Red Project website http://codered-project.eu/ and Facebook Page: codered.project.eu