'I Report 2012' Main Findings
The annual findings of I Report 2012, the first subscription tool for measuring and analyzing the interactive behavior of Cypriots on the Internet, were announced today by Evresis Research and Interactive Marketing services company, ImarComms.
Specifically, the I Report recorded the penetration of the Internet in Cyprus amounting to 53.3% in 2011, an increase of 3.1% from the previous period. Namely over half of the population aged 13 and over goes online, with main reason for visiting the general news with 74% and the second social networking with 55%.
As the third most frequent reason to visit the internet, the I Report recorded the Online Purchases that reached 32.4% with a 43% increase from the previous period. Noteworthy is the fact that 50% of those who buy online spend more than €1,000 per year with almost one in ten to exceed €2,000.
As the first category of online shopping remains the Clothing and Footwear Category reaching 39.9%, increasing by 12%, and as the second category is Travel / Hotels / Tickets reaching 23.1%, increasing by 99%. Ebay was recorded as the first online shopping site with 44.2%.
Significant was the increase in Social Media by 72% from the previous period, reaching 55%. Nearly two out of three have their own profiles on social networks with 94.7% of them on Facebook and 19.4% on Twitter.
"The results of I Report 2012 record a rising progress in all sectors with a focus on the pervasiveness of Social Media and the expansion of online shopping in both volume and value," said Director of Evresis Nicholas Nicholaou.
Outstanding increase was recorded for the internet use via mobile phone by 75%, reaching 31.7%. The I Report recorded the I Phone to excel as the dominant device and the banking transactions via mobile phones to quadruple compared to the previous period.
Important was the use of internet via Tablet reaching 10% of those visiting the internet 13 years and older, with the I Pad to hold the top spot with a great difference from the respective devices and also to be used equally by all age groups between 13-44 years.
"The I Report 2012 revealed large convergence trends towards global online activity trends of most age groups, especially via smart phone devices and tablets that are significantly enhancing progress towards a universal convergence," said ImarComms CEO Pericles Ellinas.