I Report Main Findings: 3rd Quarter 2015
September recorded the greatest rise compared to the previous year
Increase was recorded to the following Categories: ‘Clothing’, ‘Hotels’, ‘Flight Tickets’ and ‘Cosmetics’
Debut of Beautyline to the recordings of the Cypriot online shops
Greater purchasing power in the ages 35-44
The results of the third quarter of 2015 of the subscription tool for measuring and analyzing online shopping in Cyprus - the I Report – were announced today by Evresis Research and Interactive Marketing Services Company, ImarComms.
The I Report tracked the online behavior of the Cypriot consumer for the third quarter of 2015 with July recording the highest buying traffic with 53.2% and a decrease of 5.2% from the corresponding quarter of 2014. September follows with 50.4% and a rise of 7.9 % from the corresponding quarter of 2014 and August with 48.2% and an increase of 1.2%.
Overall, the online purchases reached 34.3%, recording a rise of 1.3% compared to the third quarter of 2014.
Among other things, I Report recorded that 26.4% of all online purchases of the third quarter of 2015 were conducted via Tablet, 33.3% were made from a mobile phone and 73.3% from a personal computer.
"The findings of the third quarter of 2015 recorded a constant upward course of online shopping compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year, demonstrating an interesting change in the period which the purchases were conducted, where an upward trend was observed in the last two months of the quarter instead of the first month of the quarter, as it was recorded last year, "said Nicholas Nicholou, Director of Evresis.
Regarding the categories and types of products purchased online, the I Report recorded:
As first, the ‘Clothing’ Category with 50.7% and an increase of 3.5% from the previous quarter, with ‘Sportswear’ rising to 78.9% and ‘Work Wear’ reducing to 37.6%.
As second, the ‘Category’ Hotels with 39.7% and a rise of 2.8%.
As third, the Category ‘Flight Tickets’ with 33.6% and an increase of 3%.
As fourth, the Category ‘Cosmetics’ with 28.1% and a rise of 2.1%.
Concerning the websites and online shops from where the purchases were conducted, the I Report recorded:
Ebay remaining constantly first with 61.2% and a decrease of 1.9%.
Amazon followed as second, with 25.1% and an increase of 2.9%.
Ryan Air as third, with 19.3% and a rise of 2%.
From the Cypriot e-shops TaxidiaMprosta recorded 4.1% and BeautyLine 1.1%. Also from the remaining online shops, the I Report recorded among the Top Ten amongst others - Asos with 15.4%, AirTickets with 14.3%, EasyJet with 8.8% and BeautyBay with 7.2%.
"The third quarter of 2015 recorded an interesting alteration in the habits of a significant share of consumers, who chose to purchase ‘Flight Tickets’ and ‘Hotels’ in September instead of July as they used to do until now, adding to the economic benefit of buying cheaper by purchasing online, buying even more cheap by purchasing online off-season! », said Pericles Ellinas, CEO of ImarComms.