Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing adapts to the digital age, targeting your message to the most usable device that keeps your audience depended on its screen 24/7. Whether its offered as a mobile gateway through your website, integrated in your sms advertising message, or triggered through your promotion via a 'send a message to a free number', it can reach its recipients successfully and bring in responses.
At ImarComms we know how to use this technological breakthrough to build ties with your client data base, or even develop it for you on a daily basis without being intruding or annoying to its recipients. At a time where local smart phone penetration and usage rises substantially, mobile technology through Quick Reader (QR) Codes, or 3D Bar Coded Digital Coupons, provides the optimum tool to artfully and accurately target your audience, and measure cost and effect of your Digital Marketing Strategy in real time .
And of course we cannot exclude the bread and butter of Mobile Marketing which is Bulk SMS! Following the rapid expansion of global commerce, we have developed a client geared platform through which any client can send numerous SMS to promote his product or service all over the Globe at any scheduled time from any place. All with customized reports and features, with black list function and embedded stop sms option, thus reaching rapidly and cost effectively new or existing markets with trivial costs and minimal wastage!