KEAN was the winner of the Integrated Marketing Communications category with the ‘The KEAN World of Orange’ Campaign at the Marketing Excellence Awards to be given for the first time in Cyprus. The award ceremony took place on March 29, 2011 at Latsia Municipal Court in a special event organized by the Cyprus Company of Business Administration Development (Keade) under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce and Tourism and the Chartered Institute of Marketing. The award was given in the presence of the wife of the President of Cyprus Ersi Christofia, and the Minister of Commerce and Tourism Antonis Paschalides.
The concept of the campaign was based on the theme of ART, through which 60 clay oranges representing the 60 years of KEAN’s successful presence in the Cyprus market, were created and given out to famous designers to embellish with their fantasy and creative talent. This included fashion designers, graphic designers, glass designers, multimaterial design specialists and many others.
The oranges were then exhibited at unique locations all over the island throughout the year attracting hundreds of guests and ART fanatics. At the end of the campaign an electronic auction site was set up exhibiting the oranges and giving the public the opportunity to bit on them with incremental 20 euro trials for 2 weeks. At the same time 3 gigantic fiber glass oranges were set up in busy public areas in the 3 major cities inviting by passers and the general public through live radio links to take part in their design. Hundreds of kids, teenagers and adults made their ‘mark’ on the campaign in this way increasing the value of the 3 oranges, which were later included in the final auction. After the electronic auction the final auction took place continuing from where the e-auction stopped- at 11,500 Euros – and finishing at 22,500 Euros at an impressive Philanthropic Auction Event. All proceeds were given to 3 charitable institutions that participated in the event.
The Publicity of the campaign during its full year running reached more than 260,000 Euros in PR Value through TV Coverage, Interviews, Press Events and Press Releases while sales of the KEAN brand remained at continuously high levels despite the economic recession.
The classic Soft Drink bottle that was festively designed and 'dressed' during that year, surpassed sales expectations and it still does by more than 60%!
ImarComms staff has played a determinant role from the initial stages of drafting, conceptualizing, and implementing the campaign at the time, as well as presenting it to the Marketing Excellence Awards Committee having to compete with over a hundred participations that were submitted.